The two models of "tradition" depicted here were typically used by Dr. Steinmetz to differentiate between Catholic and Protestant understandings of authority. Both sketches begin with Jesus (far left) and the first generation of apostles (receiving the Holy Spirit). Two things develop from these sources: scripture (pictured as a person at a pulpit on the top line) and tradition (pictured as people interpreting Scripture along the lower line). The first model emphasizes the fact that these are parallel traditions. The lower line is populated by bishops who proceed in a line of apostolic succession. Scripture is important, but equally important is the procession through history of the "rule of faith," a teaching about Jesus, salvation, the role of the Church, etc., that was passed down orally through the hierarchy of the church. By contrast, the second model emphasizes the way these two lines (Scripture and Tradition) cannot simply be parallel movements, but must always be interacting with one another. If tradition does not constantly refer back to Scripture, it can go awry or incorporate human teachings. For this reason, it is not the bishops who are the succession line for tradition, but the doctors of the church who produced written reflections on and interpretations of Scripture.