David Steinmetz participated in the 99th Annual Commencement Exercises for Wheaton College in 1958. He graduated with Highest Honors with a Bachelor of Arts in Literature. He was a member of the Scholastic Honor Society and Lambda Iota Tau. The Divinity Archive has several publications of the sermons preached at campus evangelistic services, the program for commencement exercises in 1958, an exercise by David Steinmetz in free writing and various papers from a course on John Milton he took his senior year.
Dr. Steinmetz taught at Lancaster Theological Seminary in Lancaster, PA, for five years (1966-1971) before moving to Durham, NC, to teach in the historical division at Duke Divinity School and the Graduate Program in Religion at Duke University. He taught survey courses at the introductory level on Early and Medieval Christianity and on the Reformation and Modern European Christianity, as well as seminars on The Catholic Reformation, The Radical Reformation, Zwingli and the Origins of the Reformed Tradition, John Calvin, Luther and the Reformation in Germany, the Theology of Thomas Aquinas, and others. Dr. Steinmetz was a gifted and lively lecturer, able to make incredibly complex pieces of historical theology accessible, often with humor and occasionally with stick figures.
3.1.1 Beltionian Association certificate
3.1.2 Free Writing 234–4, 1955
3.1.3 Lit. 314 Milton First Report, 1957
3.1.4 Lit. 314 Milton Second Report, 1957
3.1.5 Lit. 314 Milton Third Report, 1957
3.2.2 Ministry, Liturgy, Practical Theology Courses
3.2.3 Theology and Ethics Courses
3.3 Harvard University
3.4 Lancaster Theological Seminary
3.5 Duke Divinity School
3.5.1 Stick Figure Gallery
3.6 Life within the University