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Text 15 <Questions on the Faith>

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Creator Keefe, Susan
Date Accessioned 2017-09-18T17:47:11Z
Date Available 2017-09-18T17:47:11Z
Date Issued 2012
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11258/38047
Description Dr. Keefe's English translation of Text 15 from the Latin which appears in her Explanationes Symboli Aevi Carolini (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 83–87. The translation includes notes and brief commentary. Dr. Keefe left both in draft form and may have intended to update or add certain portions prior to publication. The text has been checked and edited by Katie Benjamin, Divinity Archive Fellow. Text 15 is a partial "questionnaire," common in the Carolingian reform effort, focusing principally on the doctrine of the Trinity and Christ's divinity. Dr. Keefe's commentary is interesting in that she reviews the larger framework of a typical questionnaire -- in other words, the larger series of questions in which this document and other creed commentaries she translates fit. The other questions include one on baptism, in which the respondent reviews the six (!) original sins Adam committed for which baptism is necessary. en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.description.abstract Textus 15 <Interrogationes in Fidem> en_US
Subject Translation en_US
Subject Creed Commentary en_US
Subject Pseudo-Isidore en_US
Subject Trinity, doctrine of en_US
Subject filioque en_US
Subject Christology, doctrine of en_US
Subject Questionnaire en_US
Title Text 15 <Questions on the Faith> en_US

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