Dr. Keefe's English translation of Text 1 from the Latin which appears in her Explanationes Symboli Aevi Carolini (Turnhout: Brepols, 2012), 3–4. The translation includes notes and brief commentary. Dr. Keefe left both in draft form and may have intended to update or add certain portions prior to publication. The text has been checked and edited by Katie Benjamin, Divinity Archive Fellow.
Text 1 touches on the two natures, divine and human, of Jesus Christ, and Dr. Keefe suggests it may have been composed to counter a version of Adoptionism native to Spain that had spread to southern Gaul. (According to Spanish Adoptionism, Dr. Keefe writes, "Christ was the adopted son of God, not the natural son of God, in as much as one was speaking only of his human nature. But the orthodox response was no, he is always the true Son of God, because you cannot separate his two natures. The composer of Text 1, by bringing together Ambrose on Christ’s divinity and Jerome on Christ’s humanity, brings together the two natures of Christ in his one same person, refuting the idea that he could be called the adopted son of God in the same way as we are adopted children of God, even though he was fully human, like us."