Off-prints of Dr. Keefe's various articles and book chapters, and in some cases proof copies with editing marks, can be found in the Keefe Collection, Box 1, Folder 31.
Keefe, Susan A. 1983. "Carolingian Baptismal Expositions: A Handlist of Tracts and Manuscripts." In Carolingian Essays: Andrew W. Mellon Lectures in Early Christian Studies. Ed. Uta-Renate Blumenthal. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press. Pp. 169–237.
Keefe, Susan A. 1986. "An Unknown Response from the Archiepiscopal Province of Sens to Charlemagne's Circulatory Inquiry on Baptism." Revue Bénédictine 96. Pp. 48–93.
Keefe, Susan A. 1988. "The Claim of Authorship in Carolingian Baptismal Expositions: The Case of Odilbert of Milan." Monumenta Germaniae Historica Schriften 33. Pp.385–401.
Keefe, Susan A. 2004. "Creed Commentary Collections in Carolingian Manuscripts." In Ritual, Text and Law. Studies in Medieval Canon Law and Liturgy Presented to Roger E. Reynolds. Eds. Kathleen G. Cushing and Richard F. Guyg. Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company. Pages 185–204.