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...Annual session

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xmlui.metadata.dc.contributor Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University en_US
Author Alleghany Baptist Association (N.C.). Annual Session en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.date 1898 en_US
Date Accessioned 2015-03-13T13:35:17Z
Date Available 2013-04-15T16:51:44Z en_US
Date Available 2015-03-13T13:35:17Z
Date Issued 1898 en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier annualsession19861990alle en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier.other 42461 en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11258/6961
Description Description based on: 92nd, 1988 en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.language eng en_US
Publisher [Alleghany County, N.C. : The Association,] en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.rights http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ en_US
Subject Alleghany Baptist Association (N.C.) en_US
Subject Alleghany and Grayson Baptist Association en_US
Subject Southern Baptist Convention en_US
Subject Baptists en_US
Title ...Annual session en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.date.updated 2013-04-15T16:51:37Z,2013-04-15T16:51:39Z,2013-04-15T16:51:44Z,2013-06-11T23:53:15Z en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.relation.volume 1986-1990 en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.collection ncmeetingsproceedingsconferencereports en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.imagecount 302 en_US

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