Dear Mr. Cownly
Accept a few hasty lines from one that loves you in bewels of Jesus Christ. They concern the Kingdom of our Blessed Lord. By His permission, I leave Edinburgh next week and have thought of preaching at Berwick and Aldwich and New-Castle in my way to London. I think I cannot preach above once at each place. Had I a line immediatly from you I might send you word positively what day I should be there. The gospel has met with great acceptance in Scotland and various parts in the North of England. Tho' faint in body, thro' Grace I yet persue and hope to die fighting for the word of the Spirit for Him, who shed his dear heart's blood for you and me. I commend you to His care, I kindly salute all with you, and am
Your affec. Friend Brother and Servant for His sake
G. Whitefield