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Our church [electronic resource]: a manual for members and probationers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South.

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Author Anderson, Josephus, 1829-1913 en_US
Author Summers, Thomas O. (Thomas Osmond), 1812-1882 en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.date 1860 en_US
Date Accessioned 2014-06-16T20:36:26Z
Date Available 2014-06-16T20:36:26Z
Date Issued 1860 en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier 12652846.emory.edu en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11258/4935
Publisher Nashville : Southern Methodist Publishing House en_US
Subject Methodist Episcopal Church, South en_US
Title Our church [electronic resource]: a manual for members and probationers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.collection Polity and Discipline

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