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Irish Methodist reminiscences; being mainly memorials of the life and labours of the Rev. S. Nicholson

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Author Thomas, Edward, of Lisburn, Antrim en_US
Date Accessioned 2014-06-15T18:23:49Z
Date Available 2014-06-15T18:23:49Z
Date Issued 1889 en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier irishmethodistre00thomiala en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11258/2701
Publisher London : J.C. Watts en_US
Subject Nicholson, Samuel, 1811-1887 en_US
Subject Methodist Church in Ireland en_US
Title Irish Methodist reminiscences; being mainly memorials of the life and labours of the Rev. S. Nicholson en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.collection History
xmlui.metadata.dc.subcollection British Isles

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