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History of Methodist reform, synoptical of general Methodism, 1703-1898; with special and comprehensive reference to its most salient exhibition in the history of the Methodist protestant church;

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Author Drinkhouse, Edward J en_US
Date Accessioned 2014-06-14T18:36:29Z
Date Available 2014-06-14T18:36:29Z
Date Issued 1899 en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier cu31924011490889 en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11258/2230
Publisher Baltimore, Md., Pittsburgh, Pa., The Board of Publication of the Methodist Protestant Church en_US
Subject Methodist Church en_US
Subject Methodism en_US
Title History of Methodist reform, synoptical of general Methodism, 1703-1898; with special and comprehensive reference to its most salient exhibition in the history of the Methodist protestant church; en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.collection History

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