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Rev. George M. Matthis; 2nd Minister (1930 - 1939)

Rev. George M. Matthis; 2nd Minister (1930 - 1939)


Rev. George M. Matthis; 2nd Minister (1930 - 1939)

In September 1930, a call was extended to Rev. George M. Matthis, Clinton, NC. Said call carried a salary of $3,000 per year and a manse. Mr. Matthis preached his first sermon the first Sunday in November 1930. The church grew under Rev. Matthis leadership. He was an excellent teacher, and Mrs. Clara Matthis was also a teacher and leader.

During the years Rev. Matthis served the church, a number of charter members passed away. Also, the building was beginning to need repairs, and the country suffered a depression. Funds were raised for needed repairs which included rebuilding stairs on either side of the vestibule, and a new door to the left of the main entrance. The Ladies Auxiliary was active with five circles including a girls’ circle. In 1934, they raised funds to replace the floors in the Sunday School rooms and gave money to help pay the Building and Loan interest. A new Hoover vacuum was purchased for use on the carpets in the main auditorium.

In May of 1939, Reverend George Matthis passed away. Records indicate that Rev. Matthis had an earlier illness, and perhaps his death was not a complete surprise. It was a sad time for the church as the Matthis family was much loved. Mrs. Matthis moved out of the manse, but continued to live in Durham and contributed to both Trinity Avenue and First Church.

An adult Sunday School class that included men and women was named in honor of George Matthis. The class has been a force in the church ever since.

Written by Sally M. Adkin January 2016 drawing from, Historical Sketch of Trinity Avenue Presbyterian Church, Durham, NC 1893-1939 by Mrs. Mary Lou Carr and added to by Mrs. L.C. Oldman.

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