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Works of the Rev. Dr. Randy L. Maddox

Works of the Rev. Dr. Randy L. Maddox

Randy L. Maddox (b. 1953) joined the faculty of Duke Divinity School in 2005, in anticipation of succeeding Richard Heitzenrater as Director of The Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition, General Editor of The Wesley Works Editorial Project, and the William Kellon Quick Professor of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies. A graduate of Northwest Nazarene College (BA), Nazarene Theological Seminary (MDiv), and Emory University (PhD), Maddox had attained prominent stature in the field through his publications and service-which included President of the Wesleyan Theological Society, Co-chair of the Wesley Studies Group of the American Academy of Religion, General Editor of the Kingswood Books Imprint of Abingdon Press, and Institute Secretary of the Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies. While at Duke, Maddox took the lead in a new project to make Charles Wesley's works, starting with his verse, available in an online edition.While retiring from his professorial role in June 2020, Maddox continues as General Editor of The Wesley Works Editorial Project, and a contributor to The Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition. See https://stories.divinity.duke.edu/randy-maddox/


1. "Nazarenes and Tongues." The Nazarene Seminarian 25.3 (Oct. 22, 1976): 1, 3.

2. "Speaking of Tongues." The Nazarene Seminarian 26.5 (Nov. 29, 1977): 1, 3.

3. (with Donald Preston.) "Review of God, Man, and Salvation." The Nazarene Seminarian 26.6 (Feb. 15, 1978): 2-3.

4. "Stewardship: A Biblical Understanding."The Nazarene Seminarian 26.8 (Apr. 12, 1978): 2-3.


5. "The Use of the Aorist Tense in Holiness Exegesis."Wesleyan Theological Journal 16.2 (1981): 106-118.

6. "Schleiermacher on the Holy Spirit." Studia Biblica et Theologica 12 (1982): 93-106.

7. "Hermeneutic Circle - Vicious or Victorious?" Philosophy Today 27 (1983): 66-76.

8. "Biblical Authority and Interpretation." Theological Students Fellowship Bulletin 8.1 (Sept. 1984): 5-8.
9. "The New Quest and Christology." Perspectives in Religious Studies 11 (1984): 43-55.
10. "Responsible Grace: The Systematic Perspective of Wesleyan Theology." Wesleyan Theological Journal 19.2 (1984): 7-22.

11. Toward an Ecumenical Fundamental Theology. Chico, CA: Scholar's Press, 1984.

12. "Contemporary Hermeneutic Philosophy and Theological Studies." Religious Studies 21 (1985): 517-29.

13. "Responsible Grace: The Systematic Nature of Wesley's Theology Reconsidered." Quarterly Review 6.1 (1986): 24-34.
14. "Toward an Inclusive Theology: The Systematic Implications of the Feminist Critique." Christian Scholar's Review 16.1 (1986): 7-23.

15. "Karl Rahner's Supernatural Existential: A Wesleyan Parallel?" Evangelical Journal 5 (1987): 3-14.
16. "Tamar - A Feminist Foremother?" Daughters of Sarah 13.4 (July/Aug. 1987): 14-17.
17. "A Wesleyan Perspective on Confessing the Apostolic Faith." Paper presented at and published on website of The Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies, 1987.
18. "Wesleyan Theology and the Christian Feminist Critique." Wesleyan Theological Journal 22 (1987): 101-11.

18a Reprint (abridged): International Christian Digest 2.4 (May 1988): 19-21.

19. "The Word of God and Patriarchalism: A Typology of the Contemporary Christian Debate." Perspectives in Religious Studies 14 (1987): 197-216.

20. "Exorcising the Guilt of Excellence." Faculty Dialogue 10 (1988): 121-25.
21. "John Wesley-Practical Theologian." Wesleyan Theological Journal 23 (1988): 122-47.
22. "The Necessity of Recognizing Distinctions: Lessons from the Evangelical Critique of Christian Feminist Theology." Christian Scholars' Review 17.3 (1988): 307-23.


23. "Reply to Donald Bloesch."Christian Scholars" Review 18 (1989): 285-88 [included with #22].


24. Editor. Aldersgate Reconsidered. Nashville: Kingswood Books, 1990.

25. "Aldersgate: Signs of a Paradigm Shift?" In Aldersgate Reconsidered, 11-19.
26. "Aldersgate: A Tradition History." In Aldersgate Reconsidered, 133-46.

27. "John Wesley and Eastern Orthodoxy: Influences, Convergences, and Differences." Asbury Theological Journal 45.2 (1990): 29-53.
28. "Recovery of Theology as a Practical Discipline: A Contemporary Agenda." Theological Studies 51 (1990): 650-72.

29. "Celebrating Wesley - When?" Methodist History 29 (1991): 63-75.
30. "Practical Theology: A Discipline in Search of a Definition." Perspectives in Religious Studies 18 (1991): 159-69.
31. "Wesley and Inclusive Grammar: A Note for Reflection." Sacramental Life 4.4 (1991): 40-43.

32. "Clark Pinnock on World Religions: Evangelical Precedents?" Proceedings of the Wheaton College Theology Conference 1 (1992): 208-15.
33. "Continuing the Conversation." Methodist History 30 (1992): 235-41.
34. "Opinion, Religion, and 'Catholic Spirit': John Wesley on Theological Integrity." Asbury Theological Journal 47.1 (1992): 63-87.
35. "Toward Inclusive Instruction in Religion and Philosophy." Faculty Dialogue 17 (Spring 1992): 185-90.
36. "Wesley as Theological Mentor: The Question of Truth or Salvation Through Other Religions." Wesleyan Theological Journal 27 (1992): 7-29.

37. "Perspectives on the Recent God-Language Debate." Catalyst 19.3 (1993): 3-4.


38. Responsible Grace: John Wesley’s Practical Theology. Nashville: Kingswood Books, 1994.
[Chinese] Fu ze de en dian: Weisili Yuehan de shi jian shen xue. Translated by Qiyu Qiu. Xin bei shi: Sheng jing zi yuan zhong xin, 2018.
[Portugese] Graça Responsável: A Teologia Prática de John Wesley. São Bernardo do Campo: Editeo, 2019.

39. "Social Grace: The Eclipse of the Church as a Means of Grace in American Methodism." In Methodism in its Cultural Milieu, 131-60. Edited by Tim Macquiban. Oxford: Applied Theology Press, 1994.
40. "Wesleyan Resources for a Theology of the Poor." Asbury Theological Journal 49.1 (1994): 35-47.

41. "Reading Wesley as Theologian." Wesleyan Theological Journal 30.1 (1995): 7-54.

42. "Holiness of Heart and Life: Lessons from North American Methodism." Asbury Theological Journal 51.1 (1996): 151-72.
43. "Signs of Hope in Contemporary United Methodist Theology." Circuit Rider 20.9 (November 1996): 15-16.

44. "The Enriching Role of Experience." In Wesley and the Quadrilateral: Renewing the Conversation, 107-27. (With Stephen Gunter, Ted Campbell, Scott Jones, and Rebekah Miles.) Nashville: Abingdon, 1997.

45. Editor. Rethinking Wesley’s Theology for Contemporary Methodism. Nashville: Kingswood Books, 1998.

46. "Reclaiming an Inheritance: Wesley as Theologian in the History of Methodist Theology." In Rethinking Wesley's Theology, 213-26.

47. "Reconnecting the Means to the End: A Wesleyan Prescription for the Holiness Movement." Wesleyan Theological Journal 33.2 (1998): 29-66.


49. "Psychology and Wesleyan Theology: Historical Perspectives on a Renewed Engagement."In Companions and Apprentices, 21-31. Edited by Maxine Walker. San Diego, CA: Point Loma Press, 1999 [see updated version published in 2004; #78]

48. "'Honoring the Dialogue': A Wesleyan Guideline for the Debate over Homosexuality" Circuit Rider 22.6 (Nov/Dec 1999): 24-27.
50. "Respected Founder / Neglected Guide: The Role of Wesley in American Methodist Theology." Methodist History 37 (1999): 71-88.
51. "Spirituality and Practical Theology: Trajectories toward Reengagement." Association of Practical Theology Occasional Papers 3 (Spring 1999): 10-16.
52. "An Untapped Inheritance: American Methodism and Wesley's Practical Theology." In Doctrines and Disciplines: Methodist Theology and Practice, 19-52, 292-309. Edited by Dennis Campbell, et al. Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1999.
53. "Wesley's Understanding of Christian Perfection: In What Sense Pentecostal?" Wesleyan Theological Journal 34.2 (1999): 78-110.

54. "Foreword" to Barry L. Callen. Clark H. Pinnock: Journey Toward Renewal, xiii-xvi. Nappanee, IN: Evangel Publishing House, 2000.
55. "Prelude to a Dialogue: A Response to Kenneth Collins." Wesleyan Theological Journal 35.1 (2000): 87-98.

56. "Be Ye Perfect?" Christian History, Issue 69 (2001): 30-32.
57. "A Change of Affections: The Development, Dynamics, and Dethronement of John Wesley's 'Heart Religion'." In "Heart Religion" in the Methodist Tradition and Related Movements, 3-31. Edited by Richard Steele. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 2001.
58. "Foreword" to Diane Leclerc. Singleness of Heart: Gender, Sin, and Holiness in Historical Perspective, ix-xii. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 2001.
59. "Formation and Reflection: The Dynamics of Theology in Christian Life." Quarterly Review 21.1 (Spring 2001): 20-32.

60. "An Historiographical Correction."Wesleyan Theological Journal 36.1 (2001): 256-57.

61. "Seeking a Response-able God: The Wesleyan Tradition and Process Theology?"In Thy Nature and Thy Name is Love: Process and Wesleyan Theologies in Dialogue, 111-42. Edited by Bryan Stone & Tom Oord. Nashville, TN: Kingswood Books, 2001.

62. "'Visit the Poor’: Wesley’s Precedent for Wholistic Mission."Transformation: An International Dialogue on Mission and Ethics 18.1 (2001): 37-50.
63. "A Decade of Dissertations in Wesley Studies: 1991-2000." Wesleyan Theological Journal 37.2 (2002): 103-13.
64. "Kingswood School Library Holdings (ca. 1775)." Methodist History 41.1 (2002): 342-70.
65. "'Visit the Poor': John Wesley, the Poor, and the Sanctification of Believers." In The Wesleys and the Poor: The Legacy and Development of Methodist Attitudes to Poverty, 1729-1999, 59-81. Edited by Richard Heitzenrater. Nashville, TN: Kingswood Books, 2002.
66. "Wesley's Prescription for Making Disciples of Jesus Christ: Insights for the 21st Century Church." Consultant paper published by Pulpit and Pew, 2002.


67. "The Collection of Books owned by the Charles Wesley Family."Wesleyan Theological Journal 38.2 (2003): 175-216 [see updated version published in 2006; #83]

68. "Formation for Christian Leadership: Wesleyan Reflections." Summary of Proceedings (American Theological Library Association) 57 (2003):114-26.
69. "John Wesley's Reading: Evidence in the Book Collection at Wesley's House, London." Methodist History 41.3 (2003): 118-33.
70. "John Wesley's Reading: Evidence in the Kingswood School Archives." Methodist History 41.2 (2003): 49-67.
71. "Reclaiming Holistic Salvation." Circuit Rider 27.3 (May/June 2003): 14-15.
72. "Reclaiming Holistic Salvation: A Wesleyan Agenda for the 21st Century." SPU Response 26.3 (Summer 2003): 22-25.
73. "'Vital Orthodoxy': A Wesleyan Dynamic for 21st Century Christian Life and Thought." Methodist History 42.1 (2003): 3-19.
74. "Wesley's Prescription for 'Making Disciples of Jesus Christ': Insights for the Twenty-First-Century Church." Quarterly Review 23.1 (2003): 15-28.

75. "Clarifying Christian Concerns [about Stem-Cell Research and Therapeutic Cloning]." SPU Response 27.3 (Summer 2004): 14.
76. "'Letter from America.' A United Methodist Perspective." In Unmasking Methodist Theology, 179-84. Edited by Clive Marsh, et al. New York: Continuum, 2004.
77. "Nurturing the New Creation: Reflections on a Wesleyan Trajectory." In Wesleyan Perspectives on the New Creation, 21-52. Edited by M. Douglas Meeks. Nashville, TN: Kingswood Books, 2004.
78. "Psychology and Wesleyan Theology: Precedents and Prospects for a Renewed Engagement." Journal of Psychology and Christianity 23 (2004): 101-9.
79. "Remnants of John Wesley's Personal Library." Methodist History 42.2 (2004): 122-28.

80. "Celebrating the Whole Wesley: A Legacy for Contemporary Wesleyans." Methodist History 43.2 (2005): 74-89. [See also updated version published in 2015; #120]
81. "Shaping the Virtuous Heart: The Abiding Mission of the Wesleys." Circuit Rider 29.4 (July/August 2005): 27-28.
82. "Theology in the Twenty-First Century: Some Wesleyan Agendas." In Methodism Across the Pond, 45-60. Edited by R. Sykes. Oxford: Applied Theology Press, 2005.

83. "Collection of Books owned by the Charles Wesley Family in The John Rylands University Library." Bulletin of The John Rylands University Library 88.2 (2006): 133-77.
84. "Foreword" to Kenneth Cracknell. In Good and Generous Faith, vii-ix. Cleveland, OH: Pilgrim Press, 2006.
85. "Josiah Tucker on Justification: Source for a Wesley Letter." Methodist History 44.3 (2006): 166-69.

86. "Anticipating the New Creation: Wesleyan Foundations for Holistic Mission." Asbury Journal 62 (2007): 49-66.
87. "John Wesley on Holistic Health and Healing." Methodist History 46 (2007): 4-33. [see also updated version published in 2013; #111]
88. (Principal writer.) "The United Methodist Way." Council of Bishops, The United Methodist Church, 2007.

89. "John Wesley on Holistic Mission." In A Year with John Wesley and Our Methodist Values, 39-40. R. L. Maddox, et al. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [2008].
90. "John Wesley on the Dedicated Christian Life." In A Year with John Wesley and Our Methodist Values, 11-12. R. L. Maddox et al. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [2008].
91. "John Wesley's Stress on Connection in the Christian Life." In A Year with John Wesley and Our Methodist Values, 31-32. R. L. Maddox et al. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [2008].
92. "Reclaiming the Eccentric Parent: Methodist Reception of John Wesley's Interest in Medicine." In "Inward and Outward Health": John Wesley's Holistic Concept of Medical Science, the Environment, and Holy Living, 15-50. Edited by Deborah Madden. London: Epworth, 2008 (reissued by Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2012).

93. "Foreword" to Kenneth L. Carder. Living Our Beliefs: The United Methodist Way, 5-8. Revised edition. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 2009.
94. "John Wesley's Precedent for Theological Engagement with the Natural Sciences." Wesleyan Theological Journal 44.1 (Spring 2009): 23-54.


95. Co-Editor. The Cambridge Companion to John Wesley. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010 [selected for "Smith/Wynkoop Book Award, 2010"by The Wesleyan Theological Society].

96. "Charles Wesley's Personal Library, ca. 1765." Proceedings of the Charles Wesley Society 14 (2010): 73-103.
97. "Collection of Music (1768): Charles Wesley, Jr." Proceedings of the Charles Wesley Society 14 (2010): 105-8.
98. "Eschatology." Taped lecture in The Wesleyan Studies Project. Series II: Methodist Doctrine. Wesley Ministry Network (Wesley Seminary, Washington, DC), 2010.
99. "Theology of John and Charles Wesley." In T&T Clark Companion to Methodism, 20-35. Edited by Charles Yrigoyen, Jr. New York: T&T Clark, 2010.
100. "Wesleyan Theology and Moral Psychology: Precedents for Continuing Engagement." In Wesleyan Theology and Social Science: The Dance of Practical Divinity and Discovery, 7-19. Ed. by M. Kathryn Armistead, Brad D. Strawn, & Ronald W. Wright. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010.
101. "Wesley's Engagement with the Natural Sciences." In Cambridge Companion to John Wesley, 160-75 (see above).

102. "Digging Deep into the Mine: Charles Wesley and the Bible." Proceedings of the Charles Wesley Society 15 (2011): 15-40.
103. "How John Wesley Read the Bible." Catalyst 38.1 (November 2011), 1-3.
104. "John Wesley on the Bible: The Rule of Christian Faith, Life, and Hope." In The Bible Tells Me So, 101-21. Edited by Richard P. Thompson and Thomas J. Oord. Nampa, Idaho: SacraSage Press, 2011. [included in shorter 2nd edition: Rethinking the Bible (2018)].
105. "Methodist Theology." In The Cambridge Dictionary of Christian Theology, 311-13. Edited by Ian A. McFarland et al. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
106. "The Rule of Christian Faith, Practice, and Hope: John Wesley on the Bible." Methodist Review 3 (2011): 1-35.

107. "Wesley and Health"(2 part online interview). Church Health Reader (2011) http://chreader.org/john-wesleys-primitive-physick/


108. Editor. The Bicentennial Edition of the Works of John Wesley, Volume 12: Doctrinal and Controversial Treatises I. Nashville: Abingdon, 2012 [selected "Best Book on United Methodist History, 2012"by The Historical Society of The United Methodist Church; and for "Smith/Wynkoop Book Award, 2016"by The Wesleyan Theological Society].

109. "Correspondence between James Erskine and John and Charles Wesley." Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 58 (Oct. 2012): 264-75.
110. "Honoring Conference: Wesleyan Reflections on the Dynamics of Theological Reflection." In The Renewal of United Methodism: Mission, Ministry, and Connectionalism, 55-97. Edited by Rex D. Matthews. Nashville, TN: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church, 2012.
111. "John Wesley - 'A Man of One Book'." In Wesley, Wesleyans, and Reading Bible as Scripture, 3-18, 277-80. Edited by Joel B. Green and David F. Watson. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2012.
112. (with Richard Heitzenrater) "New John Wesley Letter to Charles Wesley." Methodist History 50 (2012): 187-88.

113. "'Anticipate Our Heaven Below’: The Emphatic Hope and Abiding Tone of Charles Wesley’s Eschatology."Proceedings of the Charles Wesley Society 17 (2013): 11-34.
114. "A Heritage Reclaimed: John Wesley on Holistic Health and Healing." In A Living Tradition: Critical Recovery and Reconstruction of Wesleyan Heritage, 127-54, 256-64. Edited by Mary Elizabeth Mullino Moore. Nashville, TN: Kingswood Books, 2013.
115. (with Diane Leclerc) "Introducing the Wesleyan Theological Tradition." In The Global Wesleyan Dictionary of Theology, 35-37. Edited by Al Truesdale. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 2013.
116. "James Erskine's Critique of John Wesley on Christian Perfection." Proceedings of the Wesley Historical Society 59 (2013): 39-53
117. (with J. Russell Frazier) "Joseph Benson's Initial Letter to John Wesley Concerning Spirit Baptism and Christian Perfection." Wesleyan Theological Journal 48.2 (Fall 2013): 60-77

118. "Another Glimpse of the Divergent Wesley Brothers." Proceedings of the Charles Wesley Society 18 (2014): 99-100.
119. "John Wesley's Earliest Published Defense of the Emerging Revival in Bristol." Wesley and Methodist Studies 6 (2014): 126-56.
120. "Sustaining Health for Both Body and Soul." Divinity Magazine 13:2 (Spring 2014): 10-13.


121. Co-Editor. A Plain Account of Christian Perfection (by John Wesley). Kansas City: Beacon Hill, 2015.

122. "A Zealous (but Respected) Adversary: John Lewis's Correspondence with John Wesley." Wesley and Methodist Studies 7 (2015): 121-48.
123. "Reclaiming Holistic Salvation: A Continuing Wesleyan Agenda." In Holy Imagination: Thinking About Social Holiness, 41-54. Edited by Nathan Crawford, Jonathan Dodrill, and David Wilson. Lexington, KY: Emeth Press, 2015.

124. "Untwisting the Tangled Web: Charles Wesley and Elizabeth Story." Wesley and Methodist Studies 8 (2016): 175-83.


125. "Foreword" to S T Kimbrough, Jr. Alphabetical Index to the First Lines of All Stanzas of Poetry by John and Charles Wesley, xi-xii. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2017.
126. "John Wesley on 'Patriotism'." Wesley and Methodist Studies 9 (2017): 184-88.
127. "John Wesley's Legacy in Worship: An Interview." Holiness Today (Nov/Dec 2017): 26-29.
128. "'This Distinguished Blessing': Sarah Wesley Jr.'s Witness to a Trio of Faithful Deaths." Methodist History 56 (2017): 5-13.


129. Lead Co-Editor. The Bicentennial Edition of the Works of John Wesley, Volume 32: Medical and Health Writings. Nashville: Abingdon, 2018.

130. Lead Co-Editor. The Journal Letters and Related Biographical Items of The Rev. Charles Wesley, M.A. Nashville: Kingswood Books, 2018.

131. "Foreword"to Charlie Baber. Submitting to be More Vile: The Illustrated Adventures of John and Charles Wesley, p. [5]. Nashville: Abingdon, 2019.
132. "Resistance to Methodist Students at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University: The Remarkable Case of Stephen Seager." Wesley and Methodist Studies 12 (2020): 71-91.
133. "Millennial Hopes in the Wesley Family: Samuel Wesley Sr.'s Bequest." Wesleyan Theological Journal 55.1 (2020): 193-212.
134. "A Shorthand Treasure-Trove: Early Lady Huntingdon Letters to Charles Wesley." Methodist Review 12 (2020): 103-67. https://methodistreview.org/.
135."Introduccion." In El Bautismo en Perspective Wesleyana, 15-17. Edited by Will Faircloth. Henrico, NC: Wesley Heritage Foundation, 2020.
136. "Reflections on Responsible Grace." Wesleyan Theological Journal 56.1 (2021): 127-37 (as part of a symposium on the 25th anniversary of its publication).