Wake Baptist Association (N.C.) ([North Carolina? : Wake Baptist Association?],
. Daniel Franklinton, N. C.Rev. O. G. Watkius Box 539, Wake Forest, N. C.Rev. W. H. Marable Wendell, N. C.Rev. D. A. Thomas, R.S Spring Hope, N. C.Rev. Chas. A. Merriott, A.B Wendell, N. C.Rev. J. H. Williamson Louisburg, N. C.Rev. Essex Henry, Jr Raleigh...
.Thomas, pastor of the Elizabeth Baptist Church, Spring Hope.X. C, took his text : John 4 :35. The forceful, instructive, far-reaching and comprehensive message of the able divine wasmost fitting.Rev. J. W. Jones led in singing, "I Want to See Jesus," andthen...