Salem Primitive Baptist Association (N.C.) ([North Carolina : The Association?], 1910
, and others.Laurel Springs: Elders Sam Flippin, J. C. Dunbar, JoeBowles, S. W. Bunn, and others.Little River: Elder T. F. Adams and wife. Brother S. B.Pearce and wife.Mates Creek: Elder R. C. Bell and w^fe, Elder Cecil Scott,Sister Stacy, and oth...
. Clinard.Laurel Springs: Brothers,Joe C. Smith, Marvin Rice, B. C.Clinard, Otis Cobb.Mates Creek: Elders H. F. Dagenhart, A. B. Barham, Bros.Noah Garner, Otis Cobb.Mill Branch: Brothers Ed Dee, Noah Gamer, W. L. Wood.New River: Elder G. W. Hill, Brother...