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Lawyer Springs Primitive Baptist Church Orderly

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xmlui.metadata.dc.contributor Original Bear Creek Primitive Baptist Association en_US
Author Lawyer Springs Primitive Baptist Church en_US
Date Accessioned 2015-03-13T14:27:18Z
Date Available 2014-07-29T15:50:04Z en_US
Date Available 2015-03-13T14:27:18Z
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier lawyerspringspri03lawy en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11258/8795
Description Orderly of the Lawyer Springs Church in the Original Bear Creek Primitive Baptist Association. These materials were digitized by the Original Bear Creek Primitive Baptist Association, leant by members of the Lawyer Springs Church. en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.language eng en_US
Publisher unpublished en_US
Title Lawyer Springs Primitive Baptist Church Orderly en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.date.updated 2014-07-29T15:50:04Z,2014-07-29T16:47:17Z,2014-07-30T12:51:20Z en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.relation.volume 3 en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.collection ncmeetingsproceedingsconferencereports en_US
xmlui.metadata.dc.imagecount 454 en_US

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